What's the most important thing ?
Trusted rinta
诚实守信 / 了解润特
Rinta stone is not only a brand.
We only select better stone products and delivery it to your hand in fast short time.
We hope you like the beautiful stone
The goal is to give clients a rational satisfaction of "this is good" rather than
"This is good"and "this is the way it is" to make stones that attract clients strongly by saying "this is good".
我们只选完好的石材产品 / 然后用最快的时间送到您手中
让您享用的石材 / 尽量让您开心
我们的目标很简单 / 就是让您觉得很值
因为真正吸引更多客人的原因 / 是客人认为这个好 / 而不仅仅只是差不多就行了

Best-Selling Lines & We do more
精选优品 / 其实我们做的更多
We are now supplying many kinds of stone, such as Granite , Marble , Quartz, and so on
用心挑选 / 只为您的每一次托付 / 我们正供应各种花岗岩 大理石 石英石 等

More & more clients repeat orders
百里挑一 / 他们长期选择我们
If first time cooperation is because of our advertising,but clients repeat orders from us again and again,means our quality and service must be good,it makes us doing better and better.
如果说第一次合作是因为广告 / 那再次合作就是因为质量和服务了 / 我们客人来自很多国家 / 他们最终选择和我们合作 / 国内多家知名超市也找我们供货 / 这些都是让我们要用心做得更好的强大源动力 / 我们也很开心